13th July 2018
PIMFA announce choice fintechs
Well done on being one of the winners in the PIMFA competition, could you take a few moments and let us know more about what it is Cygnetise does? Cygnetise is a blockchain application that makes the process of managing authorised signatory lists efficient and secure. We enable companies to save over 90% of their … Continued
12th July 2018
End of Hard Cheese for SMEs
I was at Barclays Techstars demo day last month, and whilst these guys aren’t actually Northerners they are a jolly good fintech, so I thought to give them a mention here. The company name is Nimbla, which isn’t bad for a fintech, they often choose wonderfully eccentric names not even their own mothers would approve … Continued
4th July 2018
Featuring AlgoLib
This article has been reproduced for FintechNorth.uk with permission from Bird Lovegod and AlgoLib. One of the most transformative business models to emerge from the tech revolution so far is the ‘sharing economy.’ This is in the same genre as Peer 2 Peer lending, Airbnb, Uber, and the multitude of other companies that provide the service of connecting … Continued
15th June 2018
Ups and Downs of The Northern Scene
Following the series of successful Fintech North events in Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool, organized by rebuildingsociety.com and others, we posed a couple of questions to our contributor network, asking what the greatest opportunities for the tech and fintech ecosystems are in the North. And to keep the scale straight, what the most significant limitations are. … Continued